вторник, 1 ноября 2011 г.

Flossing Helps To Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

See also: viagra online pharmacy | cialis online pharmacy | 

If you don't floss then it's not just bad breath that can ruin your sex life, a study reports in the Journal of Periodontology.

They found that gum disease was seven times more common in men with ED (erectile dysfunction), than it was in those who rose to the occasion. The reason for this is bacteria in gum tissue can travel throughout your body, causing inflammation that may damage the blood vessels that pump up your penis.

But don't let your anxiety trick you into paying over the odds. A study in the same journal found that all types of floss are equally effective, so don’t believe the (marketing) hype!

суббота, 29 октября 2011 г.

Spam, Viagra y demás alegrías inesperadas

21.17 - En mi casa haciendo el perro más absoluto for the first time in.., who knows?
(mi cuñada ha apuntado solícita que en todo caso haría la "perra", pero creo que no estábamos hablando de lo mismo...)

Hola a todos, mi pobre puñadito de abandonados seguidores. I have no apology to offer for taking this long to enter into your screens. A cambio espero que disfrutéis de una ardua labor de investigación comparativa de técnicas de márketing, llevada a cabo durante semanas. Digo más, MESES. Quizá debería intentar colarlo como PAC en la UOC (sí, todas las siglas de esa maldita institución suenan a finlandés). Al fin y al cabo, apuesto lo que sea a que los títulos de Spam que veréis a continuación están traducidos automáticos del chino.

Y por echarnos unas risas que no quede.

The thing is, hace un tiempo empecé a apuntar los mensajes de Spam de online pharmacy viagra que me parecían más graciosos de la ingente cantidad que nos llegan al trabajo (a mí a casa no me llegan tantos... no quiero pensar por qué opinan que en las direcciones "serias" somos un mejor target). Quizá, solo quizá, en el origen de mi impulso recopilatorio estaba la necesidad de abrir estupidas notitas en mi amadísimo iPod (Sorry, JM, look what they did to me :( ). Lo he llamado iPod a secas por dignidad, pero acabo de recordar la posibilidad de que me lea alguien externo, así que... fuck it, Damon. Se llama Damon.

A continuación presento mi selección

Massage her from the inside - Gràfic... molt grààààfic!! Te imaginas ahí un peazo... ejem.

Podwer for your lovegun - Aish, es que me parto. Entre la idea de la pólvora e imaginarte una shotgun... Nena, esta es mi escopeta de amooooor.

Animal vigor in pilules - Lo del vigor animal suena muy macho y tal, pero hijos... las pilules... Too close to "pilila".

Replace flaccidity with swollen power -
Eso tiene que doler, no me jodas.

Prove to her you're not homo
- Lleig. ¿Los pobres gays no tienen derecho a usarla? Vayamos más allá, si el bueno del gay quiere fingir que no es gay con una tía... ¿qué mejor que una pilule?

Enable your true vigor - Si hombre, el de "verdad", as opposed to el que tendrías sin meterte un chute. Que ese es mentira, mentiiiiiira. Tó mentira. Menudo eres tú cuando cargas la escopeta del amor.

Find jungle passion in yourself - Que levanten la mano los que hayan visto una escena de monos tocando el tam tam en plan Disney.

Your girl takes panties off - you get super-excited male device! - Si a alguien se le daba mal la lógica en el cole, este lo deja clarísimo. Causa-consecuencia, queridos. Es como "chasqueas los dedos, aparece Brad Pitt". Con suerte, con un super-excited male device. Y sin monos.

Fuerza para el pene del hombre - ¿En contraposición al de quién? ¿¿¿Al del conejo??? Ah no, que esos ya se arreglan. Y no me hagáis hablar de las costumbres de mi periquito, que tengo pruebas documentales.

Rise your carnal ambitions - Gallifante al mejor juego de palabras. Porque claro, suben... tus ambiciones... carnales... suben... ¿lo pilláis, lo pilláis? En su tiempo libre, el autor es redactor del Qué.

Grow your Love Stick - Qué no te digo yo que no, pero a mí el love stick me suena... así como... tamaño Mikado.

Don't let stress discourage manhood - No vayas a ser homo...

Make your love stick your lady's favorite toy
- Lady: Ohhhh, ¡¡un Mikado!! ¡¡Qué mooooooono!!; Mr. Manhood: Sí, sí, ¡y te juro que masajea desde dentro!

Dream to act like a porn director? - ¿¿Por qué coño ibas a soñar con "actuar" como el director?? ¿No puede decir "acción" sin jungle passion?

Blood won't leave willie
- Asumidlo, todos habéis pensado en Liberad a Willy.

A lo mejor el director también soñaba mucho :S

Pues eso, que cookies para quién pueda montar una historia combinando cinco de ellas. Sé que algunos seríais capaces...

Thanks for your time!

L xx

вторник, 3 мая 2011 г.

Não compre Viagra ou Cialis na Canadian Pharmacy – Série “Os piores spammers do mundo” – Parte 1

See also: cialis | 

Se você precisa comprar Viagra, order cialis ou qualquer outro medicamento controlado, faça um favor a si mesmo e vá ao médico, pegue uma receita e compre o produto numa drogaria confiável. Aquelas centenas de infames spam mails que você recebe todos os dias, incrivelmente, vêm todos de uma mesma quadrilha de bandidos cibercriminosos, cuja bandeira mais conhecida é a “Canadian Pharmacy”.

Canadian Pharmacy: na lista dos piores spammers do mundo, roubando identidades, espalhando vírus e enviando medicamentos falsificados

Sob o slogan “Order the cheapest medications now” (Compre agora os medicamentos mais baratos”), a operação criminosa “Canadian Pharmacy” envia dezenas de milhões de e-mails todas as semanas, usando uma rede de milhares de domínios descartáveis, redirecionamentos enganosos, tudo para escapar à vigilância dos serviços antispam.

Segundo o serviço SpamHaus, eles também usam redes de sites hackeados e de PC's infectados com vírus que funcionam como computadores zumbis de suas botnets.

Literalmente tudo nos sites da Canadian Pharmacy é rigorosamente falso: do selo de certificação de site seguro da Verisign até as pretensas “Associações Médicas” e farmacẽuticas que endossariam o site, tudo é meticulosamente forjado, falsificado, com a intenção de enganar e arrancar o dinheiro de visitantes descuidados.

Se você cair na tentação de experimentar os produtos da Canadian Pharmacy, esteja certo de que o menor dano que você poderá sofrer ocorrerá se eles simplesmente fugirem com seu dinheiro sem enviar medicamento algum. Há relatos de casos em que eles enviaram medicamentos falsificados, ricos em substâncias tóxicas que provocaram graves danos aos rins e ao fígado dos usuários incautos.

Enfim, a lição que surge do caso da Canadian Pharmacy é bem clara: jamais compre mercadoria alguma de empresas que promovem seus produtos enviando spam. O spam é uma forma de marketing nociva à imagem da empresa e nenhuma empresa séria usa esse tipo de recurso. Somente criminosos e golpistas, o tipo de gente cara-de-pau que não tem o menor zelo pela própria imagem é que pode considerar o envio de e-mails não solicitados como uma forma eficiente de ganhar dinheiro na internet.

The Search for a Female Viagra

Two years after purchase cialis stormed the market and revived erections for millions of men, many women are asking if a women's cheap cialis exists as a solution to their sex life. Is there a Viagra for women?

The short answer is no — at least not yet. But that could change within the next two or three years as drug companies and researchers race to develop a libido enhancer for a very large — and underserved — market.

Just how large? Some 43 percent of women suffer with sexual dysfunction, compared to 31 percent of men, according to University of Chicago researcher Dr. Edward Laumann. And some $2 to $3 billion will be spent within the next ten years on products aimed at improving the sex lives of these women.

The Drivers of Female Sexual Dysfunction
Female sexual dysfunction is characterized by a lack of desire, arousal and orgasm. Lack of desire is the chief complaint among women, affecting about one-third of them at some point in their lives, says Cindy Meston, assistant professor of clinical psychology at the University of Texas at Austin.

The Cause?
A woman's lack of sexual interest is often tied to her relationship with her partner, says Sandra Lieblum, director for sexual and marital health at the UMDNJ Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway, N.J. "The important sex organ [for women] is between the ears. Men need a place for having sex — women need a purpose," she says. But it can also be triggered by family concerns, illness or death, financial or job worries, childcare responsibilities, managing a career and children, previous or current physical and emotional abuse, fatigue and depression.

Indeed, female sexual dysfunction seems to be psychologically — rather than physically — rooted. "What the genitals are doing may play a less important role in how a woman defines her sexual arousal," says Meston. "I don't think there will ever be an aphrodisiac that will make [women] want to have sex all the time."

That's not to say its causes aren't physical, Lieblum says. Hypertension, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, thyroid disorders, neurological diseases and autoimmune disorders like lupus can all contribute to a woman's lack of sexual desire. Other factors include prescriptions drugs, particularly anti-hypertensives and depression medication, as well as over-the-counter medications and illegal drugs and alcohol abuse.

Why Not Viagra?
Viagra is designed to increase blood flow to the genitals. Viagra works well for many men who suffer with impotence — or erectile dysfunction — because it's considered a physical — rather than an emotional — problem. That's not to say that Viagra can't "restore function" for women, says Dr. Myron Murdoch, clinical instructor of urology at George Washington Medical School. It can, but it's not for all women.

While Viagra-like drugs may help the 20 percent of women reported to have difficulties with lubrication (blood flow to the female genitals increase lubrication), it's unknown to what degree such drugs would help the 43 percent of women with sexual dysfunction who either say they're uninterested in sex or that sex provides little pleasure.

Cure in a Pill?
Even so, drug companies — banking on the success of Viagra — hope to find its female equivalent. At the moment, they are focused on developing a drug that increases blood flow to the female genitals, resulting in vaginal lubrication and relaxing vaginal muscles.

The concept is similar to Viagra, which increases blood flow to the penis, resulting in an erection. So far, there are some promising drugs on the horizon. These include prostaglandin, already approved for men, apomorphine and phentolamine, both of which are being tested for arousal disorder in women.

Whether drug companies succeed, the good news is that women needn't wait for a sex pill. They have options. Research shows that exercise, counseling, vaginal lubrication products and sex videos all can help put spur a woman's libido.

What's more, the three following options — while scientifically unproven — are readily available and also hold the promise for improving a woman's sex life.

L-arginine amino acid cream

The same amino acid that has been used by athletes to promote muscle development is purported to increase blood flow to the female genitals, thus sparking sexual urges. "Our informal studies on 500 patients showed that 70 percent of women who applied this cream to the clitoris and labia a half hour before sex reported more arousal and stronger orgasms," says Dr. Jed Kaminetsky, clinical assistant professor of urology at the New York School of Medicine.

Dehydroepiandrosterone is a male hormone produced by the adrenal gland and ovaries and converted to testosterone and estrogen. DHEA, which depletes with age, can be purchased over the counter in supplement form.In one small study published in the New England Journal of Medicine (Sept. 30, 1999), women who took 50 mg of DHEA daily noticed a significant increase in sexual interest. Other preliminary findings report encouraging results. However, most DHEA products lining the store shelves recommend taking only 25 mg per day. Because of its potential for heart attacks and breast cancer and masculating side-effects such as facial hair, DHEA is best used under a doctor's supervision.

Testosterone therapy
For women who have undergone oophorectomy (the removal of one or both ovaries) and hysterectomy, testosterone treatment has shown to improve sexual function and psychological well being, according to recent research from Boston's Massachusetts General Hospital.
However, women looking to boost testosterone levels should work with their physician closely so the hormone can be monitored. Too much of it can cause, among other things, facial hair and change a women's voice, which is irreversible. Meanwhile, a study looking at the combination of L-arginine glutamate and yohimbine — a natural extract from tree bark that excites part of the central nervous system — has shown that postmenopausal women were more than twice as aroused after taking the combination drug and viewing an erotic film than women who took a placebo.